Basil Pesto


1/2 cup of nutritional yeast

1 cup of basil

1 cup of macadamia nuts

3 garlic cloves

1/2 cup of pine nuts


I combine all ingredients in a food processor and then you can spread it on bread or combine it with pasta!  The possibilities are endless.

Nutritional Information:

Nutritional Yeast:

Nutritional yeast is grown on whey, blackstrap molasses or wood pulp. When the yeast is harvested, it is washed and dried with heat (so that it stops growing); and then, crumbled and packaged for the consumer.(1)

Nutritional yeast is a complete protein.  It contains nine amino acids that that your body cannot produce. Nutritional yeast also contains compounds associated with improved immunity, reduced cholesterol, and antioxidants.  It provides  minerals like as iron, selenium and zinc and is a great source of fiber.  B vitamins in nutritional yeast include thiamine, folate, B-6 and niacin.  B vitamins help you convert food into energy and produce red blood cells. Many types of nutritional yeast are also fortified with vitamin B-12 as well.(1)


Basil, also known as St. John’s Wort, is an herb belonging to the mint family.   Basil extract was found to be effective at killing off harmful molecules and preventing damage caused by some free radicals in the liver, brain, and heart.  It is full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.(2)   It is a wonderful source of iron.  Eating it during your period can replenish some of the iron lost when you menstruate.  Basil has also been found to have anti-anxiety effects.  Its phyto-chemicals may lower cortisol, a stress hormone.(3)

It has been found to reduce inflammation and swelling. Basil may help clear your breakouts!  Basil oil helps combat the bacteria that causes pimples.   You can try to boil basil leaves in water and then when the liquid cools, dip a cotton ball in the liquid and pat it on your breakout areas and then wait ten minutes before washing it off.(3)

Macadamia Nuts:

Macadamias are a wonderful source of Vitamin A, iron, protein,  thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folates.  They have a high flavonoid content. Flavonoids are help to prevent cell damage from environmental toxins and convert into antioxidants in our body by destroying free radicals!(4)

Macadamia nuts are cholesterol free and actually have been found to reduce cholesterol level and help lower triglyceride levels..  They have healthy monounsaturated fat, which helps promote weight loss!   They are rich in palmitoleic and omega 7 fatty acids that are the building blocks for the enzymes which control the burning of fat, curb the appetite, and reduce fat storage. They also contain around 7% of fiber, which also promotes satiety, provides roughage, and aids digestion.(4)

Macadamias also contain significant level of protein which is an essential component of our diet and forms muscles and connective tissues in our bodies Proteins help maintain the health of hair, nails and skin.(4)

Macadamias are a good source of minerals.  The phosphorus in macadamia aids bone and teeth mineralization, metabolism, absorption and transportation of nutrients.  The calcium aids in the formation of teeth and bones.  Manganese in macadamias helps the body to deposit new bone, and Omega 3s prevent osteoporosis and reduces arthritis severity.  Copper in macadamias helps to make neurotransmitters, which our brain cells use to send chemical signals.(4)


To find out more about garlic, please see episode “Thanksgiving Alternatives to Eating Turkey”.

Pine nuts:

Pine nuts are actually seeds of the pine cone.  They have numerous health promoting phyto-chemicals, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.(5)

Pine nuts are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid that helps to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good-cholesterol).   They contain omega 6 fatty acid pinolenic acid, which curbs appetite by triggering the release of hunger-suppressant enzymes. Pinolenic acid also enhances hepatic LDL uptake.  Pine nuts are a great source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin.  They are also an excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins and essential minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.   Pine nuts are one of the best sources of manganese a co-factor for antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. (5)


(1) Lauretta, Ashley.  “What are the Benefits of Nutritional Yeast Flakes?” Livestrong. Demand Media, 1 February 2016.  Web. Accessed 11 May 2016.  <>.

(2) Nordqvist, John.  “Basil:  Health Benefits and Nutritional Information.”  Medicalnewstoday.  Medilexicon International, Ltd., 9 February 2016.  Web.   Accessed 11 May 2016.   <>

(3) Barrie, Leslie.  “Sweet Benefits of Basil.”  Health.  Health Media Ventures, Inc.  Web.  Accessed 11 May 2016.  <,,20500778,00.html>.

(4) Ahmed, Arshi.  “7 Amazing Health Benefits of Macadamia Nuts.”  Stylecraze.  Style craze.  30 June 2015.  Web.  Accessed 11 May 2016.  <>.

(5) “Pine Nuts Nutrition Facts.”  Web.  Accessed 11 May 2016.  <>.