Easy Tomato Salsa



3 Tomatoes

1/2 cup cilantro

That’s it!  But you can add 1/2 red onion, jalapeños, or salt and pepper to taste.  You can either cut the cilantro and tomatoes into smaller pieces manually or use a food processor.  I have a Cuisinart 14 cup food processor, and I love it!  If you use a food processor, choose the S blade.  After washing your veggies, I chop the tomatoes up into smaller pieces before I put them in the food processor.  Then I use the “pulse” function until I get my desired consistency.

Other serving suggestions besides tortilla chips, include putting the salsa on bread or if you do not want to eat processed foods or on a raw diet, you can use cucumbers instead of chips.

Cilantro:  1/4 cup of cilantro (about 4 grams) contains 1 calorie and 0 grams of fat. It contains, vitamins C, A, and K, folate, potassium, and antioxidants like beta-carotene.  Oil extracted from the leaves of cilantro has been shown to delay spoilage. Cilantro leaves have also been found to have an antibacterial effect against Salmonella!

Tomatoes:  Tomatoes have high anti-oxidant properties and help lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease.  Tomatoes are rich in lycopene (anti-oxidant), vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium.  They also have B-complex vitamins.