No Excuse Fitness Part 2

In this episode, I include the stretching to do before and after the no excuse fitness workout.  Art usually warms up first with a jog (included in the next episode) and then does the stretching.

You should never stretch a cold muscle in any way.  Doing static stretches,  where you hold the stretch before a workout can lessen your strength, power, and performance.  In addition, stretching without warming up your muscles may cause injury.  To improve range of motion and avoid injury, you need to stretch, but always start with some aerobic warm-up to get the blood flowing into the tissue before stretching.

Benefits of Stretching:

1.  Improved flexibility and range of motion

As the body ages, muscles can become tighter and range of motion in the joints can decrease, causing movement to become slower and less fluid, making you more prone to muscle strain or other soft tissue injury.  An increase in flexibility improves balance and coordination.

2.  Good posture

Stretching lengthens tight muscles. Tense and tight muscles cause poor posture. Stretching the lower back, chest and shoulders can help keep the spine in good alignment and improve posture.

3.  Prevent injury?
This is still widely debated but stretching has been proven to help increase blood flow to the muscles. This increase in flow brings a greater nutrient supply to the muscle, reducing muscle soreness and speeding recovery from muscle and joint injuries.

4.  Stress relief

A buildup of stress causes your muscles to contract. Tension has a negative impact on your body. Like all types of exercise, flexibility exercises like stretching relieve stress.